From quantum physics to distant galaxies, universal principles are in operation in the
physical and the spiritual realm. The secrets to these principles are contained within the word of God. " It is the
glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25;2
REVEALED is intended to illuminate the scriptures; to open the door to the realm of the spirit; to give an understanding
that will guide people out of the bondage of "religious tradition" into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.
BARRY WOOD has studied and taught the word of God since 1986. Originally
from Beckley, WV, he and his twin brother Dean are the youngest of 11 children. He currently attends Faith Landmarks Ministries
in Richmond, VA. He teaches at Faith Landmarks Bible Institute and is a drummer in the music ministry. He has been actively
involved in prison ministry for over 12 years. Barry's desire is to bring practical application to the Word and to bring
understanding of the realities of the Bible and of the spirit realm.